The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (2024)

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  1. 2 days ago



    Dark Souls 1 is the best game in the series. But you should approach it without expectations. Do what would make sense, not what you think should make sense based on other games you have played.

    • 2 days ago



      >Dark Souls 1 is the best game in the series
      I just dropped it for being boring after about 3 hours. good to know this series is only for the mentally stunted.

      • 2 days ago



        >good to know this series is only for the mentally stunted.
        what would you argue is a better action rpg game/series?
        Feels like everyone who says this never has an actual different suggestion and just likes to try and dunk on the souls fanboys.

        • 2 days ago



          Anything but fromslop, you hom*osexual ASSES SHOULD STOP PLAYING THESE troony GAMES HAHAHAHAH

  2. 2 days ago



    1 is less obnoxious than Elden Ring simply because bosses won't throw the fricking kitchen sink at you

  3. 2 days ago



    Yes and once you've played it 2 or 3 more times and familiarize yourself with whole map layouts and item pickups you should play enemy and item randomizers.
    My favorite way to flush a week away when I'm anxiously waiting on some other release.

  4. 2 days ago



    you are a moron

  5. 2 days ago



    >I also heard 1 is less "obnoxious" than 2. Is it true?

    1 is a slower and easier game with less enemies thrown at you.
    Armor is extremely powerful in 1. Rolls are easier to understand.
    Poise is insane.

    • 2 days ago



      >Rolls are easier to understand.
      Also, midroll is viable, because enemy movesets are not built around roll spamming.

    • 2 days ago



      What the frick can a game even be slower than 2, it literally feels like you are rolling in the mud

      • 2 days ago



        I think he meant slower enemy pacing.
        DS2 enemies had low functioning autism and truck straight at you.

    • 2 days ago



      The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (6)

      kek, what?

      • 2 days ago



        Anon obviously meant the enemies.

      • 2 days ago



        This is why rapiers are, in fact, not broken in 2 like people say they are . Yes, they melt bosses, but holy sh*t do they suuuuuuuck at facing encounters, especially more than one enemy at once. I used a longsword for most of my second run and had a way easier time than my first with a rapier because it had horizontal slices that actually let me fight multiple enemies at once and not worry about aiming with deadzones.

        • 2 days ago



          The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (7)

          >This is why rapiers are, in fact, not broken in 2 like people say they are .
          >I used a longsword for most of my second run and had a way easier time than my first with a rapier
          the only longsword that is meta has a thtusting sword moveset

          • 2 days ago



            >yeah DS2 may suck, but at least the pvp is good!
            >the pvp in question:

          • 2 days ago



            Both Fume Sword and Sunlight Straight Sword are absolutely the best weapons in DS2 for PvP
            RoBSOFlynn + those with an offhand Warped Sword and a Shield punish weapon beats everything.
            The other top tier builds are Blacksteel Katana, Ice Rapier, and HavelEstoc. But Longswords > all

            The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (8)

            kek, what?

            Dark Souls 1 is slower than DS2 overall.
            You posting a webm of turning between attacks in a larger range of motion in 1 and 3 doesn't mean sh*t.

            • 2 days ago



              the entirely fricked up movement makes DS2 feel move slower and more sluggish, even if weapon attacks are like 1f faster.

              • 2 days ago


                If you're not bad it's a much faster game overall.

          • 2 days ago



            Wasn't talking about pvp at all, just pve. Optimizing counter damage with thrusts < being able to hit multiple enemies.b

            • 2 days ago



              Sounds like he's still at the "dps = best" mindset.

  6. 2 days ago



    1 is the best, but you're probably not gonna care much about it when the rest of the series has just regurgitated most things from it. If you didn't play it on release you won't get it. Also remastered is a bad version of it

    • 2 days ago



      >Also remastered is a bad version of it
      Explain, so which one should i get?

      • 2 days ago



        Remastered with the ReShaded drop-in mod. Remastered runs better and you'd have to mod PtD anyway, so you might as well play the one with natively better frame rate and fix the lighting/shading.

  7. 2 days ago



    only good game from software has ever made

  8. 2 days ago



    >I also heard 1 is less "obnoxious" than 2. Is it true?
    >Start with 5/10 Estus
    >healing off it is faster
    >don't need to buff AGi to start off with midroll I-Frames
    >DS1 Endurance = DS2 Endurance + Vitality
    >don't lose health on death
    >don't need Branches of Yore or Pharros Lockstones to access hidden items or rooms
    But on the flipside
    >gimped teleporting mechanics
    >can't despawn enemies (but there are less of them and they are easier to deal with)

  9. 2 days ago



    I'm trying to replay it right now but it's so fricking bad.
    Estus locks you in place when healing.
    Rolling is fricked and makes me roll in the wrong direction for some reason.
    Weapon moveset is trash, I started using morning star and its l1 is just 1 animation
    So far boss hitboxes were awful

    I honestly can't believe I used to like DS1, thankfully I'm not a delusional nostalgia Black person and I realised Elden Ring mogs it in every way

    • 2 days ago



      >Weapon moveset is trash, I started using morning star and its l1 is just 1 animation
      That's because some weapon types punish you for missing, so you get these extended whiff animations on maces, axes and afaik even halberds. Just hit your target.

      • 2 days ago



        morning star does just repeat the same animation on hit as well but thats kinda just a club thing in souls games. clubs in elden ring do that too with the exception being if you somehow manage to hit a full combo it does ONE slam at the end

        • 2 days ago



          It's just prime unga bunga, no fancy twirls needed.

          • 2 days ago



            oh yeah I love it actually I wasn't saying its bad. I'm pretty fricking mad that they gave maces a new, generally worse moveset in elden ring and only kept the extraordinarily based moveset for like, 3 clubs total. its start up and end lag is practically non existent and its a shockingly fast attack speed for a weapon type that does some pretty serious damage. I think if more maces in elden ring had the club moveset people would understand how busted it is to just get 3 quick strikes in a row like that.

  10. 2 days ago



    You had to experience Dark Souls 1 in the 2010s, before Bloodborne, DS3, the hype and stereotype it has become that we are now all so accostumed to. It's still very good but it lost it's charm and mystique due to how much it was reproduced and milked. You won't feel it's personnality like we felt it, how out of the ordinary it was. The weirdness of getting the sh*t kicked out of you at every turn because you were not used to this type of game design and level design, the unique blend of genres, the renewal of the dark fantasy with that typical japanese creativity bordering insanity.
    Now you'll just see it as another tryhard soul game that's less ambitious than Elden Ring.
    Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 are the last unique and novel experiences the videogame industry produced. It can still be felt but it requires some real gamer iontuition, not sure you'll have the required power level.

    • 2 days ago



      >the last unique and novel experiences the videogame industry produced
      Oh frick off. I love Dark Souls as much as the next guy, but it's not "the last unique video game".

      • 2 days ago



        Yes it's the last game with an actual sense of somewhat profound novelty. Like the first 3D games were, like the first open world games were, like the first marios were, like so many games once were. Every game that gets out now feels like deja-vu in some sense. Of course there is novelty but not on the scale of what we got when video game was in it's infancy.
        You won't get that feeling of giant leap anymore because of the enormous offer of games that always present small innovations especially with the boom of indie games, the inevitable stalling of advancement in graphics, the inevitable stalling of new innovative and fun game mechanics and the very different mode of consumption of videogames.
        Of course it's also because of actual incompetency of devs in AAA enteprises, or the impact of social media on game design were games are either made to be played for twitch streamers in front of an audience or to be posted about in tweets and farm engagement, but times are also simply different. I don't see anything remotely as impactful as the early days of video game. Games are generally mid to good, in contrast to the past where it was either a literal scam or gold.

  11. 2 days ago



    you're not missing much. same with des. same with ds2/3. ER, Sekiro, and BB have you covered.

  12. 2 days ago



    absolutely worth it

  13. 2 days ago



    Its alright, the bosses are all mid at best, theres no good ones like gael or midir, and the game is pretty easy, you can just wear heavy armor and take no damage

    • 2 days ago



      There's a ton of good bosses. They're just not as hard.

      • 2 days ago



        Artorias and o&s are not good bosses, if you put them in elden ring they'd both be below the gaol crucible knight

        • 2 days ago



          >Artorias and o&s are not good bosses
          Why not?

          • 2 days ago



            Going back they are slow and have no moves, artorias only throws the abyss goo then rolls and flips at you 3 times in a rowz which is super telegraphed and easy to beat.
            O and s is slightly more challenging but the problem with then is by the time you get there you already have havels

            • 2 days ago



              >easy to beat
              Sure, on repeat play throughs when you have all that knowledge what to do. The fun of repeateed playthroughs is applying your knowledge though. Routing is what makes Dark Souls fun.

              >O&S is more challenging than Artorias
              Really? I always have more problems with Artorias.

              >you already have havels
              Not on my first playthrough. On repeat playthrough I know enough about the game to basically trivialize everything.

              • 2 days ago


                Good for you bro

              • 2 days ago


                Do you honestly think artorias or o&s are close to gael or friede or lothric etc? Theres such an improvement in quality in 3 with the music, bosses, and presentation that idk how you can prefer the old game

              • 2 days ago


                >how you can prefer the old game
                I prefer the old game because overall the game is better. DS3 definately has better bosses, but that doesn't mean Dark Souls bosses are bad or that the game is worse.

                Friede is a pretty sh*tty boss in my opinion. I dislike that the game expects me to rollspam. If your gamestyle is focused on rolling, I understand why you like it, but I prefer to play with my shield.

              • 2 days ago


                >your gamestyle
                I meant playstyle.

              • 2 days ago


                The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (9)

                I used the vow of silence spell on her to stop her magic bs, it helps so much

              • 2 days ago


                That sounds fun, I'll keep that in mind if I ever get around to replaying DS3.

            • 2 days ago



              DS1 bosses are not memorable the same way DS3 slop bosses are memorable. Yes, the bosses don't have le ebin anime 500 backflip attack combos and don't have the "zanibart... forgive me" lines that every boss in ER and DS3 have, but they have their own individual memorable moments (etc. executing your first plunge attack on the asylum demon, or the taurus demon falling to its death through the holes in the bridge, or the iron golem falling after you stagger it, or capra demon raping you in his tight area etc). These moments give each player a different way of tackling the bosses, and so you'll find it to be very common for 2 players to beat the bosses in different manners. These possibilities and experiences give a game its characteristic and soul, something DS3 is severely lacking in due to its slop straight-forward approach to every fight.

              • 2 days ago


                >(etc. executing...)
                *(eg. executing your first...)
                brain went morono mode for a sec

              • 2 days ago


                This sh*t happens in all the other games too, you just played 1 first and like it more for that initial experience, like most people with elden ring

              • 2 days ago


                >you just played 1 first
                DS2 was my first and it's absurd how kino it seems relative to DS1's clunk.

              • 2 days ago


                It doesn't in 3.

                The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (10)

                >top tier DS1 boss right here

                Nice ignoring everything I said hom*osexual.

                finally killing Pontiff after spending 20 tries practicing parrying his jump attack was more memorable than any boss in DS1

                Killed Pontiff on my 2nd try. No DS3 boss took me more than 3 tries. DS3 is a complete cake walk after Elden Ring, literally nothing memorable from it since it's just a boss rush simulator (that became obsolete once a more complex game like ER came out)

                >DS1 GOOD
                >DS2/3/ER BAD
                Diagnosed schizophrenics are less adept at twisting the reality narrative.


                Average DS3 dickriders' IQ everyone, point and laugh at the hom*osexuals above.

              • 2 days ago


                finally killing Pontiff after spending 20 tries practicing parrying his jump attack was more memorable than any boss in DS1

              • 2 days ago


                >DS1 GOOD
                >DS2/3/ER BAD
                Diagnosed schizophrenics are less adept at twisting the reality narrative.

              • 2 days ago


                I don't get why people think prefering DS over the design philosophy of DS3 or Elden Ring sounds like such an absurd idea to some people. That being said, DS3 and Elden Ring are both great games. Elden Ring more so, because it allows you to be more creative with builds early on. But Dark Souls 1 is better. You don't have to call one of them sh*t to like the other.

          • 2 days ago



            The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (11)

            >easy to beat
            Sure, on repeat play throughs when you have all that knowledge what to do. The fun of repeateed playthroughs is applying your knowledge though. Routing is what makes Dark Souls fun.

            >O&S is more challenging than Artorias
            Really? I always have more problems with Artorias.

            >you already have havels
            Not on my first playthrough. On repeat playthrough I know enough about the game to basically trivialize everything.

            DS1 bosses are not memorable the same way DS3 slop bosses are memorable. Yes, the bosses don't have le ebin anime 500 backflip attack combos and don't have the "zanibart... forgive me" lines that every boss in ER and DS3 have, but they have their own individual memorable moments (etc. executing your first plunge attack on the asylum demon, or the taurus demon falling to its death through the holes in the bridge, or the iron golem falling after you stagger it, or capra demon raping you in his tight area etc). These moments give each player a different way of tackling the bosses, and so you'll find it to be very common for 2 players to beat the bosses in different manners. These possibilities and experiences give a game its characteristic and soul, something DS3 is severely lacking in due to its slop straight-forward approach to every fight.

            >top tier DS1 boss right here

            • 2 days ago



              I love this. It's great that Dark Souls allows you to do this.

  14. 2 days ago



    The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS).
    Lol, lmao even

  15. 2 days ago



    The Dark souls trilogy are the weakest of the recent fromsoft games,

  16. 2 days ago



    The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (12)

    The more I play it the less I like the DLC. Artorias is such a boring boss fight. Kalameet is the GOAT tho

    • 2 days ago



      Every boss in DS1 is boring as sh*t when you've played the later games with more complex bosses.

  17. 2 days ago



    ds1 and DeS are the best games in the series.

  18. 2 days ago



    1 is the best souls game, and shares top spot for from games with bb
    just make sure youre playing blind, messages in the world will guide you

    • 2 days ago



      What if you play offline

  19. 2 days ago



    It’s one of the better games in the whole series.

  20. 2 days ago



    I played through it for the first time few weeks ago and I did end up liking it quite a bit. It is a fricking chore to play compared to elden ring but once it clicked, I really enjoyed it.

    • 2 days ago



      >It is a fricking chore to play compared to elden ring but once it clicked, I really enjoyed it.
      It kills me to see my suspicions of what people who played these games out of order would think of it. I just knew that making fast travel so easy in Elden Ring was gonna leave players predisposed to bouncing off Dark Souls.
      Glad you stuck with it!

      • 2 days ago



        >I just knew that making fast travel so easy in Elden Ring was gonna leave players predisposed to bouncing off Dark Souls
        ? Dont you remember 2 where you could literally fast travel between every bonfire at will without any penalty?
        You fricking moron

  21. 2 days ago



    It is worth it, but you have to treat it like a trip to the museum and not hold it to the same standards you have for a game made in 2020+.

    • 2 days ago



      The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (13)

      >but you have to treat it like a trip to the museum and not hold it to the same standards you have for a game made in 2020+.

      lol what a hom*osexual

      • 2 days ago



        The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (14)

        >e-girl pic
        >calls others hom*osexual

        • 2 days ago



          The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (15)

          e-girl is based. thats why.

  22. 2 days ago



    I ragequittd yesterday bros...
    Was having a perfect run and then siegmeyer decided to kill himself in that pit filled with demons in Lost Izalith

    • 2 days ago



      That's a better death for him than what would've happened afterwards.

  23. 2 days ago



    Sekiro was my first game and holy sh*t it spoiled the rest for me.

    • 2 days ago



      i didn't care for sekiro and dropped it after beating Genichiro.

      • 2 days ago



        good to know you didn't beat the game

The first one is the only one I haven't played (and DeS). Is it worth to go through in 2024? (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.