Guide to Monster Card collecting in Masteria (2024)

This is the fifth guide I've made. The first was on Victoria Island found here.

I still highly recommend perusing this guide for basic information, as most of it is good information. The guide I reference puts emphasis to reduce walk time. Walk time, imo, is less important to farming time. The procedure I have here cuts down on the overlapping possibility of getting extra cards from mobs you already finished.

Masteria is fairly straightforward. There are a couple of tactics to help you out, but nothing crazy. I highly recommend you finish the NLC maps (Kraken Jungle & MesoGears) before beginning any expedition into El Nath. There are extreme level differentials in the mobs, so if you're not 4th Job, I recommend you pay close attention to the level of these mobs to assess which ones you should skip until you're higher in level. I've accompanied each mob with its respective level and color-coded the level to the color tab of your Monster Book.

1 & 2. Boomer [Level 27] and Urban Fungus [Level 21]: Jungle Valley. The drop rate for Urban Fungus is higher than Boomer, so even though there are a lot, A LOT, more Boomers on this map than Urban Fungus, don't be surprised if you finish them both around the same time or you finish Urban Fungus first. If you finish Urban Fungus first, continue to use this map but skip the platform that has nothing but Urban Fungus on them. On the off-chance that you finish Boomers before Urban Fungus, go back one map to Jungle Clearing and skip the platform with only Boomers on them. You may pick up a Street Slime card or two, which won't hurt you at all. If you get a couple of Street Slime cards because of this, you're likely to do one map for Electrophants that I'll mention later in the guide is a map you probably won't need, which has a direct impact on your card collecting in El Nath. All positive if it happens! Also take whatever Mighty Maple Eater cards that drop - you never need to worry about this set, you will finish it in the course of getting the other cards. If you want to go through the trouble of making some hilariously OP pots that don't last long, save up your Boomer etc drops, the Boomer Cores. You need 50 of them for each pot. Because these stack in 100s rather than 200s, be sure to have a cleared etc. inventory when you begin. If you don't make them or have extra, they can sell in FM for cheap - they won't move fast, but I have noticed some players take an interest.

3. Street Slime [Level 19]: Krakian Jungle Basin. Your main focus are the Street Slime cards. Clear the entire map from top to bottom (or bottom to top, however you want to approach it). Collect as many Electrophant and Mighty Maple Eater cards this map gives you along the way, but once you have the Street Slime set done, you're ready to move on. If you want to make those weird pots, keep the weird etc. drops from the Electrophants.

4. I.AM.ROBOT [Level 44]: Mountain Slopes. This mob is a lot easier than the map would indicate. I have had my share of bad luck on a few of my chars when collecting this group, so I understand when some players say to skip it, but the drop rate, at least to me anyway, seems to be on par with the rest of the mobs in this area. Take whatever Electrophant and Mighty Maple Eater cards this map gives you on the way. If you want those weird pots, keep the weird etc. drops from I.AM.ROBOTs and Electrophants.

5. Gryphon [Level 50]: Mountain Cliffs. This map is obnoxious, but there are two advantages. First, the Gryphon's drop rate is a little higher than the other mobs, so it'll be faster. Second, your only other map option is Highlands, and that is NOT a good option! is that map anyway? It's almost as if the developers were heading toward something and then stopped. (Possible MapleLegends exclusive expansion area?) This is a great place to get Soft Feathers if you need them.

6. Mighty Maple Eater [Level 30]: Deity Room. By now, you should have already finished this mob. If your luck was particularly bad, begin your Bigger Ben expedition here. You may pick up a Killa Bee or Fire Tusk card, which is fine, but your main goal is to complete the Mighty Maple Eater and move on.

7. Killa Bee [Level 25]: Soul Corridor. This map is rough to traverse, but the drop rate is on par with the Gryphons. Most flying mobs have slightly higher drop rates than most non-flying mobs. If you want those weird NLC pots, keep the weird etc. drops they give you.

7. Fire Tusk [Level 36]: Fire Chamber. This map also has a lot of Firebomb mobs in it, and you could easily finish that set before you finish the Fire Tusk set. If you do, that leaves you with less to do in El Nath.

8. Electrophant [Level 41]: Ice Chamber. Assuming your luck was terrible (or you got more Boomer cards than Urban Fungus at the beginning and started collecting Street Slime cards while finishing Urban Fungus which made finishing your Electrophant cards far less likely), you can finish your Electrophant cards here. You may even get one or two Jr. Yeti cards which will make your trip through El Nath even faster.

9. Wolf Spider [Level 80]: Wolf Spider Cavern. If you wanted to do this one before venturing into the Fire Chamber and Ice Chamber, go for it. I put this in the order of difficulty. A lower level player hitting the easy mobs above is great, but be warned that this is a big mob jump. The Electrophant is level 41 and the Wolf Spider is level 80.

Now that you're done with NLC, you can take this opportunity to make some crazy pots with the robot NPC in NLC on the bottom far-right. NPC or try to sell in the FM your remaining supply if you don't care to make any more.

Now we move to the Phantom Forest beginning with the Haunted House. If you are a quester or you are interested in completing the quests for the Haunted House specifically, I strongly recommend you finish the quests first before beginning this guide. It's very likely you can skip several phases of this guide. If you collect the cards first and then do the quests, you're going to be kicking yourself because you'd be done with everything already!

For those confused at the layout of the Haunted House, the logic of it is as follows:
The second floor has a left and right portal. The left portal is Sophilia's side and the right portal is Ludmilla's side (Sophilia's step-mother). The third floor's two portals are the upside-down versions of each side, but Ludmilla's is on the left and Sophillia's is on the right. This gives you, effectively, four maps of relatively the same layout. You can explore each of the accessible doors in each of the four hallway maps to see what mobs are available to you. Some of these doors are links to two of the other three hallway maps. For instance, from Sophilia's side there is a door that links you to Sophilia's upside-down side map, and another that takes you to Ludmilla's normal side. You can't go from Sophilia's normal side to Ludmilla's upside-down side. Likewise, there is no portal from Ludmilla's normal side to Sophilia's upside-down side. So, it's a square pattern with no diagonals. The top center portal of the normal sides will take you to the upside-down sides, and the bottom center portal of the upside-down sides will take you to the normal sides. Each of the four maps have a link to the Foyer and the Library. There is no direct link from the Foyer to the Library. This square dipyramid model below should help.

10. Psycho Jack [Level 30]: Vanity Room [2]. The drop rate on this mob is RIDICULOUSLY high! You'll spend about 2 minutes max to finish this mob. This room is found on Ludmilla's side, in the first door to the right when you enter.

11. Sophilia Doll [Level 50]: Study. This drop rate is almost as ridiculously high as the Psycho Jack. You should be done in less than 5 minutes if your luck is terrible. This room is found on Sophilia's side in the door immediately to the right of the door you came through.

12. Nightmare [Level 40]: Vanity Room [1]. The drop rate here is average, so you'll spend some time here. Firewood always sells in the FM, and you'll get a lot of Maple Pops. To get here, exit the Study and go to the farthest right door you can on the bottom. From the Foyer, go to Sophilia's side (left portal on second floor) and then go to the farthest right door on the bottom.

14. Voodoos [Level 60]: Sophilia's Bedroom [3]. This was a common map to train on in GMS around level 55-65. The drop rate is better than Nightmare, but you'll probably spend an hour here at most. To get here, leave Vanity Room [1], go through the top center door, taking you to the upside-down version. You should find yourself at the center bottom, from there go to the first door on the right. From the Foyer, go into the 3rd floor right portal (Sophillia's upside-down), then jump down and go right. Once you pass the staircase, go into the first door.

15. Hoodoos [Level 60]: Vanity Room [3]. I'm sorry, but this is the best map you're going to get. It only spawns four at a time. I've always noticed, however, that I spend less time here than I do with Voodoos. To get here, leave Sophillia's Bedroom [3], go to the top floor and go into the farthest-right door. From the Foyer, go into the 3rd floor right portal (Sophillia's upside-down side), and go into the farthest-right door on the top.

16. Glutton Ghoul [Level 21]: Library. This is a mob worth skipping if you are not patient. If you have a friend, especially a Cleric or other mage, who would like to help you, then this mob becomes a viable option. I've heard from some players that they had an easy time, and I think I did have an easy time for 2 of my 12 chars. So, up to you - this is a mob similar to Helly in Eos Tower. There are many ways to the Library. If you exit Vanity Room [3], go to through the farthest door on the bottom left. From the Foyer, go into the 2nd floor left portal (Sophillia's side) and then go through the top-left door.

And we're done with the Haunted House! Now onto the far more confusing Crimsonwood Forest! I highly recommend ALL players do the NLC quests followed by NPC Jack's quests. The rewards for experience and other loot is but a pittance to the real reward - access to shortcuts through the Crimsonwood Forest! I recommend killing every Phantom Tree you encounter to finish that set as you go through the rest of the mobs.

17. Headless Horseman [Level 101]: Creeping Evil / Hidden Evil / The Evil Dead / Forgotten Path / Hollowed Ground / Crossroads [1] [2] [3]. [Warning: you need to be at least level 90+ to take on this area boss] Did you finish Jr. Wraiths on Victoria Island yet? If not, good news! You might pick up one or two here. If yes, don't worry, the drop rates aren't that great so you probably won't overlap much. Be sure to kill all Leprechauns and Phantom Trees as you peruse these maps. Given the popularity of this area boss, and the fact that it has a respawn rate of 10 to 13 hours, put it in your mind that you're not going to finish this one right away.

18. Leprechaun [Level 45]: Creeping Evil. This is the best map because it doesn't have pesky Jr. Wraiths around. If you still need Jr. Wraith cards, go to Hidden Evil. If you're not done with Phantom Trees, I recommend changing to every channel at least once to clear them all for cards. You will need the Lucky Charm drops from them to get your Deputy Star Badge pendant. If you already have the pendant, you can take advantage of the few daily quests MapleLegends has and turn them into the NPC in NLC. You can always sell them in FM, they are among the highest priced etc items in the game.

19. Phantom Tree [Level 50]: Anywhere, everywhere!. If you're not done with this by now, your luck is terrible! The etc drop, Phantom Seed, is necessary for the essential quests that give you access to short-cuts. If you already have that quest done, sell them in the FM.

20. Elder Wraith [Level 95]: The Evil Dead. This mob is a huge jump from the Leprechauns and Phantom Trees we've been farming. This is a level 95 mob! Beware, while this map is the best for farming Elder Wraith, it also spawns Headless Horseman (not a problem if you're high enough to farm Elder Wraith) and Bigfoot! The Elder Ashes are necessary for the quests to give you access to short-cuts. They will sell in FM, but strangely not for much. The Soiled Rags are necessary for your Deputy Star Badge pendant and can also be used for the daily quests in NLC. They also sell in FM for quite a bit.

21. Bigfoot [Level 110]: Evil Rising / The Evil Dead / Forgotten Path / Twisted Paths [1] [2 [3] [4] [5]. I've never had a character high enough in level to take on this area boss. Good luck! I have no wisdom to offer here. I highly recommend you employ the services of another player to get you the Bigfoot Toe for the Deputy Star Badge pendant, (and most high-level players are more than happy to give you the toe for free. Good etiquette tips when waiting for the high level player to finish killing Bigfoot: Stay a good distance away and kill any mobs venturing too close. If able, gain aggro of all the mobs and keep aggro while staying away from your highly-valued friend. Some of them will even give you the card if it drops, but don't assume!

22 & 23. Windraider [Level 70] and Crimson Tree [Level 75]: Lower Ascent. This is a widely valued map for leechers, but there's always a map open on a few channels these days. Be sure to change channels to every channel at least once and clear any open maps of their Crimson Tree mobs. The drop rate for them are super quick, but the Windraider set will take you some time. The etc drops from these two mobs have some value. I've not done any crafting in this area yet, so I don't know, but I know the Crimson Wood is used for crafting items with the NPCs at Dead Man's Gorge. The Windraider Badges are used for an Exchange Quest, too, at Dead Man's Gorge.

24 & 25. Baby Typhon [Level 40] and Typhon [Level 100]: The Path of Peril. These mobs drop Typhon Feathers, which are a quest item. You only need 4 and you can finish the quest string that gives you access to short-cut through The Valley of Heroes. If you're 3rd Job, you can still get the Baby Typhon cards if you avoid the Typhons. The Baby Typhons WILL drop their feathers - not as often, but they will. So, if you're not high enough in level to take on the Typhons, still make it a point to clear the Baby Typhons. It should take about 30-45 minutes max to clear them and get the feathers you need. If you're high enough to take on the Typhons, you need not worry ... you only need to be patient because you're going to get thrown off the map accidentally, occasionally. You'll want to camp at the ledge 1/3 of the way up where there's a thorn bush that will give you insignificant damage on one side and a wall leading up to another ledge on the other side. Take damage from the thorn bush to prevent being stunned, and try to keep the Typhons on your left side so if they do hit you, you get flung into the wall. If you get flung to the left, do your best to avoid being shot off the map and return to that safe zone. I would not recommend doing this mob until you have completed the quest line that gives you the ability to skip The Valley of Heroes.

26. Stormbreaker [Level 80]: Crimsonwood Keep: Stormhall. You'll be spending the rest of your time up here at the Keep. The Stormbreaker Badges are used for the essential quest to gain access to short-cuts through the Valley of Heroes - you know, that JQ you just did with the instakill pillars? Yeah, you can skip that!! If you do the quests! Maybe do those quests? The badges can later be used in the Exchange Quest at Dead Man's Gorge.

27. Firebrand [Level 90]: Crimwonwood Keep: The Inferno Chamber. I hate this mob with a passion! Only the Firebrand wizard will drop the card, not the undead auto-aggro Firebrand head! And the head has the most HP, which gives the most exp, but also requires the most time. I'd recommend skipping this mob until you can kill the heads quickly. Strangely enough, both types of Firebrands will drop the Firebrand Badge, which makes this group the easiest to collect for the Exchange Quest in Dead Man's Gorge.

28. Nightshadow [Level 100]: Crimsonwood Keep: The Wrath of Night. If you're not using a 4th Job ultimate, make use of this mob's auto-aggro to horde them into a group for easier mass kills. The badges here are also used in the Exchange Quests at Dead Man's Gorge.

29. Crimson Guardian [Level 120]: Crimsonwood Mountain: Crimsonwood Keep. I have never had a character high enough in level to take on this mob - especially since they lock you and do a bunch of other sinister debuffs to you. You could do this set before going into the Keep to do Stormbreakers, Firebrands, and Nightshadows, but I put it here because of character level considerations. If you're not 4th Job, don't piss these guys off! I have no wisdom for you, good luck!

And you're done with Masteria. Again, fairly straightforward, but there are a couple of tactics to keep in mind early on in the Kraken Jungle and MesoGears of NLC. Pay attention to the level differential of mobs if you're not 4th Job.

If you think I missed a better opportunity, please let me know! =o)

Guide to Monster Card collecting in Masteria (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.