Såsom I En Spegel (1961) Spoilers

1. Såsom i en Spegel (Film, 1961) - MovieMeter.nl

  • Wanneer haar ziekte verergert meent Karin God te ontmoeten. Hierdoor worden ook haar geliefden aangezet tot het nadenken over hun leven en over God.

  • Drama film geregisseerd door Ingmar Bergman. Met Harriet Andersson, Max von Sydow en Gunnar Björnstrand.

Såsom i en Spegel (Film, 1961) - MovieMeter.nl

2. Through a Glass Darkly (Såsom i en Spegel) – 1961

  • 19 nov 2012 · Martin is naturally bereaved by her suffering, but following earlier intimations may at last lay down a long burden. Minus, teased by Karin ...

  • BEFORE ‘THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY’ was released in 1961, the films of Ingmar Bergman had confronted God, played with madness, and shown actors drained to the dregs by doubt, worry, suspici…

Through a Glass Darkly (Såsom i en Spegel) – 1961

3. Through a Glass Darkly (Sasom i en Spegel, Sweden 1961)

  • 17 nov 2014 · The film opens as the four finish a swim in the sea. We learn that David has just returned from Switzerland where he was writing a novel. Karin ...

  • The Leeds International Film Festival is screening a short retrospective of the films of Ingmar Bergman. Happily the programme opened with this film – a masterpiece and for me one of the finest fil…

Through a Glass Darkly (Sasom i en Spegel, Sweden 1961)

4. Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - Letterboxd

  • Her younger brother, Minus, is confused by Karin's vulnerability and his own budding sexuality. Their father, David, cannot overcome his haughty remoteness. ...

  • Karin hopes to recover from her recent stay at a mental hospital by spending the summer at her family's cottage on a tiny island. Her husband, Martin, cares for her but is frustrated by her physical withdrawal. Her younger brother, Minus, is confused by Karin's vulnerability and his own budding sexuality. Their father, David, cannot overcome his haughty remoteness. Beset by visions, Karin descends further into madness.

Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - Letterboxd

5. A masterpiece, one of Bergman's best - Såsom i en spegel (1961 ...

  • It is a fantastic film, and the performances in particular are excellent. SPOILERS Having said that, the way Karin described the waited for entity (perhaps ...

  • This is simply a great film and one of my favourite of Bergman's many superb films. I wonder why it is usually not mentioned among his best works. The climax of the film was very strong. I consider the best of the so called "faith trilogy." I have watched Darkly twice and found it more rewarding the second time around. Anyone else think this is one of Bergman's better films?

A masterpiece, one of Bergman's best - Såsom i en spegel (1961 ...

6. Rubbish in some comments, just watch the movie (*spoilers*)

  • I found it interesting, cos I knew ahead of time that there was supposed to be an incestuous relationship between Karin and Minus, but it was hardly spelt out ...

  • Just see the movie without reading the comments, some will mislead you.

    "Karin is also anxious for answers to her questions about God. Is she mad or in touch with divinity at a level the rest of us cannot understand? No one knows, though each character has some ideas". Fekkin nonsense; even the premise. She's not sure who it is at first, she sort of talks herself into believing it must be God. And no-one else gives any indication of thinking it's divinity.

    "The film concerns a young lady who has an incestuous affair with her brother and her spiral into the normalcy of the world, which is perceived as "lunacy" by most people. ". If there was incest, and it's hard to be sure, saying it is an affair gives the wrong impression - but no doubt the comment was written in its author's second language.

    "..exploits his daughter's mental disintegration as fodder for his novels" - junk; he only guiltily thinks of treating it as an interesting thing instead of feeling for his daughter through it. He doesn't use it in his novels, unless I missed something.

    Minor perhaps but some set up false expectations, which is worse than knowing the actual plot ahead of time.

Rubbish in some comments, just watch the movie (*spoilers*)

7. Through a Glass Darkly | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Karin (Harriet Andersson) hopes to recover from her recent stay at a mental hospital by spending the summer at her family's cottage on a tiny island.

  • Karin (Harriet Andersson) hopes to recover from her recent stay at a mental hospital by spending the summer at her family's cottage on a tiny island. Her husband, Martin (Max von Sydow), cares for her but is frustrated by her physical withdrawal. Her younger bother, Minus (Lars Passgård), is confused by Karin's vulnerability and his own budding sexuality. Their father, David (Gunnar Björnstrand), cannot overcome his haughty remoteness. Beset by visions, Karin descends further into madness.

Through a Glass Darkly | Rotten Tomatoes

8. Såsom i en spegel aka Through a Glass Darkly (1961, Ingmar Bergman)

  • 6 mrt 2023 · The rest of the cast (only three other actors) is great in far less showy roles. I agree with Bergman that the ending isn't the greatest, it ...

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9. Såsom i en Spegel (1961) | ming movie reviews

  • 7 mrt 2016 · Såsom i en Spegel (1961) ... Through a Glass Darkly is an existential essay centered around a young woman named Karin who suffers from ...

  • Sweden 89m, B&W Director: Ingmar Bergman; Cast: Harriet Andersson, Gunnar Björnstrand, Max von Sydow, Lars Passgård Through a Glass Darkly is an existential essay centered around a young woman …

Såsom i en Spegel (1961) | ming movie reviews

10. Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - Movie Review : Alternate Ending

  • Bevat niet: Såsom | Resultaten tonen met:Såsom

  • Bergman's first salvo in a trilogy of chamber dramas about faith ends one one of the most devasting scenes of his career. Read the review!

Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - Movie Review : Alternate Ending

11. Review: Såsom I En Spegel (Through A Glass Darkly, 1961)

  • Bevat niet: spoilers | Resultaten tonen met:spoilers

  • I leave the questioning of god to those much smarter than I!

Review: Såsom I En Spegel (Through A Glass Darkly, 1961)

12. Såsom i en spegel Discussion | MovieChat

  • Såsom i en spegel (1961) (movie): Recently released from a mental hospital, Karin rejoins her emotionally disconnected family in their island home, ...

  • Recently released from a mental hospital, Karin rejoins her emotionally disconnected family in their island home, only to slip from reality as she begins to believe she is being visited by God.

Såsom i en spegel Discussion | MovieChat

13. 1001 Films: "Through a Glass Darkly/Sasom I En Spegel" (1961)

  • Bevat niet: spoilers | Resultaten tonen met:spoilers

  • Ingmar Bergman's Through a Glass Darkly takes place on a remote island, where a troubled young woman (Harriet Andersson) is trying to wo...

1001 Films:

14. Blindspot 2017: Through A Glass Darkly (1961) | FILM GRIMOIRE

  • 30 dec 2017 · Recently released from a mental hospital; Karin rejoins her emotionally disconnected family and their island home, only to slip from reality ...

  • Recently released from a mental hospital; Karin rejoins her emotionally disconnected family and their island home, only to slip from reality as she begins to believe she is being visited by God. (s…

Blindspot 2017: Through A Glass Darkly (1961) | FILM GRIMOIRE

15. Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - Trakt - Upflix.pl

  • Såsom i en spegel (1961) (Through a Glass Darkly) https://trakt.tv/movies/through-a-glass-darkly-1961. Nattvardsgästerna (1962) (Winter Light) https://trakt ...

  • Karin hopes to recover from her recent stay at a mental hospital by spending the summer at her family's cottage on a tiny island. Her husband, Martin, cares for her but is frustrated by her physical withdrawal. Her younger brother, Minus, is confused by Karin's vulnerability and his own budding sexuality. Their father, David, cannot overcome his haughty remoteness. Beset by visions, Karin descends further into madness.

Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - Trakt - Upflix.pl
Såsom I En Spegel (1961) Spoilers
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.